Coronavirus - Club Update
Friday, 27 March 2020
Further to the suspension of this current playing season, the SRU have since confirmed that the 2019/20 domestic season for all amateur categories is now finished and will not recommence. Some of the factors that influenced the decision included:
- The earliest possible restart date for contact rugby currently envisaged is 1 July 2020
- Following a prolonged shutdown players will require a full pre-season from that point to become first contact ready and then match fit
- If possible, for the current shutdown not to impinge on season 2020/21
The SRU is currently considering several options within the male adult leagues with regard confirming promotion, relegation and league winners for 2019/20 or if to declare the season null & void. A further update on this matter will be provided when known.
With regard activity at Burnbrae in line with government direction all the permanent staff are at home and not working at Burnbrae. There were several rugby and social events in the coming weeks namely, Youth Awards Dinner 24th April, Senior Section Players Dinner 25th April, Mini Tournament 10th May and West Fest including the 7s tournament on 16th May. Whilst probably obvious in the current climate I can confirm they are all now cancelled.
The club constitution indicates that the club Annual General Meeting is conducted in the month of April. This is clearly not practicable given the exceptional circumstances we are currently in. The AGM report will be completed as normal and sent out to members in due course. The physical AGM will be conducted when it is practicably safe to do so.
Given the stay at home message from the government there is no group activity to be conducted at Burnbrae. However, up to last weekend the club remained a target for local vandals in particular the main stand with broken seats, smashed glass from empty alcohol bottles and other vulgar activity. If you happen to pass by Burnbrae whilst exercising or indeed going to the supermarket and notice activity please call the police on 101.
Whilst there are more urgent issues dominating our lives I will endeavour to provide further rugby updates as and when I have something to pass on. It only remains for me to wish you and your families to take care and remain safe.
Donald Malone
Club President, West of Scotland FC