Gordon Cairns

Gordon Cairns

Gordon Cairns

Monday, 14 October 2024

It is with immense sadness that we inform members and friends of the passing of Gordon Cairns following a short but bravely fought illness.

Gordon gave a lifetime of service to West performing various roles in both the Junior and Senior sections of the club.  Most notably, Gordon was Club President from 2006 - 2010.  During this period the club was in a perilous financial position and it is the mark of the man that Gordon stood up to be counted at this time.  He quite literally saved the club during its darkest hour.

When Gordon was informed that no further treatment could be administered to him, it was no surprise to any of us that paramount in his thoughts was the handing over of the various tasks he still performed on behalf of the club.  His instructions were clear and well directed......once a school teacher always a school teacher..... and were finished off with a line that told us what we already knew about the place West held in Godon's heart.  It simply read....

"Mortality is an unfortunate fact of life but my love and best wishes for all things West is a given"

Rest in Peace Gordon.....and we hope St Peter has put on a decent buffet for you!!

Our thoughts are with Douglas, Fraser, Lainey and the extended Cairns family at this time.  Funeral arrangements will be posted here once confirmed.